Digestive System

Ligaments in the Abdomen

Ligament Connects Contents
Coronary ligament Diaphragm ~ Liver -
Triangular ligaments Diaphragm ~ Liver -
Falciform ligament Anterior abdominal wall ~ Liver Round ligament
Round ligament Umbilicus ~ Liver Umbilical vein
Lesser omentum ::
Hepatogastric ligament
Liver ~ Stomach Gastric arteries
Lesser omentum ::
Hepatoduodenal ligament
Liver ~ Duodenum Portal triad
Gastrosplenic ligament Stomach ~ Spleen Short gastric artery
Greater omentum
Gastrocolic ligament
Stomach ~ Transverse colon Gastroepiploic artery
Splenorenal ligament Spleen ~ Kidney Splenic artery

Layers of Abdominal Wall & Spermatic Chord

Abdominal wall Spermatic chord
Parietal peritonium -
Extraperitoneal fascia Testis
Transversalis fascia Internal spermatic fascia
Transverse abdominal muscle -
Internal oblique muscle Cremaster muscle
External oblique muscle External spermatic fascia
Scarpa's fascia Dartos' fascia
Camper's fascia -
Skin Skin

Inguinal [Hesselbach] Triangle

  • Rectus abdominis
  • Inferior epigastric vessels
  • Inguinal ligament

Layers of Gastrointestinal Tract {MSMS}

  • Mucosa
    • Epithelium
    • Lamina propria
    • Muscularis mucosa
  • Submucosa
    • Submucosal gland
    • Submucosal [Meissner] plexus
  • Muscularis
    • Inner circular layer
    • Myenteric [Auerbach] plexus
    • Outer longitudinal layer
  • Serosa

Gastrointestinal Secretion

Cell Secretion
Chief cell Pepsinogen
D cell Somatostatin
EC cell Serotonin (5-HT)
ECL cell Histamine
G cell Gastrin
I cell Cholecystokinin (CCK)
K cell Glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIP)
M cell Immunity
Mucosal cell Bicarbonate
Parietal cell Gastric acid & Intrinsic factor
S cell Secretin

Absorption of Nutrients

Location Nutrients
Duodenum Iron
Jejunum Folate
Ileum Vitamin B12
Bile acids

Segments of the Liver

Biliary Structures

Composition of Bile

  • Bile salts = Bile acids + Glycine / Taurine
  • Bilirubin
  • Cholesterol
  • Phospholipids