Should art and music be compulsory subjects?

Life can be wealthy with knowledge of science, but will not be complete without the nourishment of humanity. Art and music are the missing pieces that complete our lives. In my opinion, I totally agree that art and music should be compulsory subjects. Not only that, theatre, dance, and other performing arts should also be introduced to students in secondary schools. I will explain to you why I believe that these subjects are essential to the young generations.

Humanities courses tell us the story of our ancestors and their wisdom to survive the past thousands of years. Art and music are cultural inheritances from our earlier generations that are immutable and to be appreciated. In contrast, science is ever-changing and a scientific law can be completely overturned after hundreds of years. While we can be critics and judge an artwork or a musical creation, the creation is everlasting and can neither be proved nor refuted.

Art and music are also what make us unique. By learning art and music that are unique to a community, the people of that community develop a sense of self-identity and belonging. I believe students that learn about their own culture are more confident in themselves.

Last but not least, art and music complete our lives and instill humanity into us. Schools teach academic knowledge to prepare their students for high-paying occupations, and the students learn to pursue fame, money, and power. Humanity plays an important role in purifying our secular souls. Art and music slow us down so that we can take time to appreciate the beauty of life.

To conclude, I understand that academic knowledge is important for a career, but art and music are equally indispensable. Art and music are our guides to humanity, and only humanity can complete our lives. As a result, I would say art and music are definitely worth learning not only in schools but in our whole lives.