What is your favorite musical instruments?

Stationery is to literature what musical instruments are to music since both stationery and musical instruments are the medium for humans to play with beautiful alphabets and musical notes. While the variety of musical instruments frequently dazzles and baffles beginner musicians, I personally pick the trumpet as my favorite one.

To begin with, the trumpet came into my life at an early age. During middle school, after passing the basic musicology exam, I was accepted into a school band and embarked on my journey in music. After trials with several musical instruments, the band teacher and I made a decision to land me on the trumpet. Consequently, I started learning to hold it and articulate on it. Gradually, I became able to fit into the entire musical band and proficient in playing it. Furthermore, since then, my life has been substantially connected with the trumpet professionally. I was capable of playing in a band during college and representing my college to perform in the auditorium in recognition of my techniques in playing the trumpet, which is absolutely rewarding and provides a sense of achievement. In short, up until now, I still play the trumpet every week as if it were an old friend of mine whom I catch up with regularly.

Moreover, the trumpet serves as an emotional outlet for me. As opposed to playing with a band, I prefer to engross myself in playing the trumpet alone. During my alone time, I can hear myself playing the music more clearly and release any of my tiredness and negative emotion into the music to my heart's content without the need to concern others. As a result, every time after hours of practicing, I not only feel refreshed but also become more optimistic, which is imperative for me to overcome my emotional distress in difficult times. I remember that one time I failed an important exam despite all of my efforts and that the failure struck me so intensely that I became desperate for the days following. Thanks to the trumpet, I was able to dispel my despair so that I could buckle up and pull myself together to retake the exam. In short, the trumpet firmly supports me emotionally throughout my life.

To sum up, the trumpet is my beloved way of interpreting music not only because it accompanies me but also because it relieves my stress throughout my life. Therefore, I would encourage beginner musicians to embrace this incredible musical instrument and continue their careers.