How to refer a 46M with back strain?

Dear Ms. Graham,

I am writing to inform you of Mr. Barry Jones, a 46-year-old warehouse worker, who has suffered from severe lower back strain and requires your assessment of his workplace.

Mr. Jones has no relevant history of back injury. His job at a large warehouse involves prolonged sitting and occasional heavy lifting.

Mr. Jones presented on 31 May with worsening lower back pain after hurting his back while lifting heavy boxes off the floor. An X-ray indicated no disc problems. Therefore, I prescribed naproxen and carisoprodol, advised him to gradually increase his exercise level and take a sick leave, and referred him for physiotherapy.

Currently, Mr. Jones endorses great compliance with my recommendation and physiotherapy. Nevertheless, his back is still in pain, which requires a higher dose of naproxen although ROM and his exercise level have greatly improved. He is still on sick leave and admits that he wishes to return to work.

Regarding the management of Mr. Jones' back pain, I have encouraged him to avoid lifting work and take regular breaks at work. I am also requesting your assessment of his workplace and your advice on duties that he can perform.

I appreciate the assessment you can provide. Please contact me if you require any further information.

Yours sincerely,