Do you prefer internet access or public transit?

Compared to the city, the countryside has been notorious for limited access to basic infrastructures, including both the internet and public transportation. With regards to the dispute over which is more essential for residents living in the countryside, I argue that internet access would be a more urgent infrastructure.

To begin with, the internet strengthens democracy. Even if living In a democratic country, not everyone, especially those living in rural areas, can be physically present at a polling place to let their voice be heard, which presumably diminishes the validity of democracy. Public transportation is not an ideal solution because the problem of long hours of traveling still exists. Instead, internet voting could significantly eliminate the hindrance and encourage everyone to express their preferences over public issues or vote for their government officers. Such a system has been extensively adopted in the United States, which is an apparent victory of democracy.

Moreover, the readily available internet makes healthcare more accessible. Residents inhabiting underserved areas constantly encounter a lack of healthcare professionals in their neighborhoods. What is worse, even though virtually all residents have a car, the long distance to even the nearest hospital or clinic apparently discourages people's willingness to seek medical care even in times of emergency. Once again, public transportation would not eliminate the physical barriers to healthcare whereas internet access permits virtual appointments and allows professionals to intervene immediately during an emergent situation. Virtual appointments have become especially imperative during a pandemic, for example, the ongoing COVID-19, when face-to-face interactions are discouraged and a lockdown is enforced. The examples demonstrate how important internet access is for healthcare equality and accessibility

To sum up, I firmly believe that internet access could benefit residents living in rural areas more than public transportation because the internet strengthens democracy and improves healthcare. Consequently, I would suggest the government invest in and focus on bringing the internet to everyone.