Reproductive System

Genital Tract Embryology

Primordial Female Male
Gubernaculum Ovarian ligament
Round ligament
Processus vaginalis - Tunica vaginalis
Undifferentiated gonads Ovary Testis
  Theca cell Leydig cell
  Granulosa cell Sertoli cell
Genital ducts Frimbriae Epididymis
  Fallopian tube Vas deferens
  Uterus Seminal vesicle
  Upper vagina Ejaculatory duct
Urogenital sinus Lower vagina Prostatic utricle
  Paraurethral gland of Skene Prostate gland
  Greater vestibular gland of Bartholin Bulbourethral gland of Cowper
Urogenital fold Mons pubis Dorsal penile shaft
  Labia minora Ventral penile shaft
Labioscrotal swelling Labia majora Scrotum
Genital tubercle Clitoris Penis

Ligaments of Uterus and Ovary

Ligament Connects Contents
Broad ligament Uterus ~ Pelvis :: lateral -
Round ligament Uterus ~ Labia majora Gubernaculum
Ovarian ligament Uterus ~ Ovary Gubernaculum
Infundibulopelvic [Suspensory] ligament Ovary ~ Pelvis :: lateral Ovarian vessels
Pubocervical ligament Cervix ~ Pubis -
Cardinal ligament Cervix ~ Pelvis :: lateral Uterine vessels
Uterosacral ligament Cervix ~ Sacrum Inferior hypogastric plexus

Sex Hormone Production

Hormones Regulation Female Male
ACTH Adrenal gland Adrenal gland
LH Corpus luteum
Theca cells
Leydig cells
Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH)
FSH Corpus luteum
Granulosa cells
Sertoli cells
Estrone - Adipocytes Adipocytes
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) - Peripheral cells Peripheral cells

Estrogens in Females

Estrogen Estrogen Site Precursor Precursor Site Enzyme Timing
Estrone Adipocytes Androstenedione Adrenal gland Aromatase Post-menopause
Estradiol Granulosa cells Testosterone Theca cells Aromatase Non-pregnancy
Estriol Placenta DHEA sulfate (DHEAS) Adrenal gland Sulfatase Pregnancy

Sexual Development

Female Male
Thelarche Gonadarche
Pubarche Pubarche
Growth spurt Adrenarche
Menarche Growth spurt

Age of Onset of Puberty

Sex Age (years)
Female 8 ~ 13
Male 9 ~ 14

Semen Analysis

  • Volume > 1.5 mL
  • Sperm concentration > 15 M/mL
  • Total sperm count > 39 M
  • Normal forms > 4%
  • Vitality > 58%
  • Progressive motility > 32%
  • Total motility > 40%