Alpaydin's Introduction to Machine Learning

  • Publisher: The MIT Press
  • Author: Ethem Alpaydin
  • Presenter: Wen-Bin Luo
  • Link:


What Is Machine Learning?

  • Machine learning is programming computers to optimize a performance criterion using example data or past experience.

Examples of Machine Learning Applications

Association Rules

  • Finding association rules can help build a recommendation system.


  • Learning a rule from data also allows knowledge extraction.
  • Outlier detection is finding instances that do not obey the general rule and are exceptions.


  • Problems where the output is a number are regression problems.

Unsupervised Learning

  • Both regression and classification are supervised learning.
  • In unsupervised learning, the aim is to find the regularities in the input.
  • One method for density estimation is clustering.

Reinforcement Learning

  • In reinforcement learning, the output of the system is a sequence of actions.


  • Almost all of science is fitting models to data.
  • In statistics:
    • Going from particular observations to general descriptions is called inference.
    • Learning is called estimation.

High-Performance Computing

  • Distribute storage and processing efficiently over many computers is important for big data.
  • GPUs allow large chunks of data to be moved and processed in parallel.
  • Good software is needed to manage the execution of the task on parallel hardware.

Data Privacy and Security

  • Personal data should be sanitized by hiding all the personal details.

Model Interpretability and Trust

  • A small test error is considered as a good criterion of the generalization ability.
  • A poorly-generalized system is specialized to its training data and sensitive to adversarial examples.
  • Explainable articial intelligence implies that a model is interpretable.

Data Science

  • Machine learning is a new field of data science.

Supervised Learning

Learning a Class from Examples

  • Generalization: How well a hypothesis will correctly classify future examples that are not part of the training set.
  • Margin: the distance between the boundary and the instances closest to it.

Vapnik-Chervonenkis Dimension

  • $H$ shatters $N$ points if:
    • For any learning problem definable by $N$ examples.
    • It can be learned with no error by a hypothesis drawn from $H$.
  • Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) dimension of $H$, VC($H$), is the maximum number of points that can be shattered by $H$.
  • VC dimension is independent of the probability distribution from which instances are drawn.
  • VC dimension may seem pessimistic.

Probably Approximately Correct Learning

  • In probably approximately correct (PAC) learning, the hypothesis is approximately correct.
  • The error probability is bounded by some value.


  • Noise is any unwanted anomaly in the data.
  • There are several interpretations of noise:
    • Imprecision in recording the input attributes.
    • Errors in labeling the data points.
    • Hidden or latent attributes not taken into account.
  • Occam's razor: simpler explanations are more plausible and any unnecessary complexity should be shaved off.

Learning Multiple Classes

  • If all classes have similar distribution, then the same hypothesis class can be used for all classes.
  • Alternatively, sometimes it is preferable to build different hypotheses for different classes.


  • If there is no noise, the task is interpolation.
  • In regression, there is noise added to the output of the unknown function.

Model Selection and Generalization

  • An ill-posed problem where the data by itself is not sufficient to find a unique solution.
  • The set of assumptions we make to have learning possible is called the inductive bias of the learning algorithm.
  • Model selection is the question is how to choose the right bias.
  • How well a model trained on the training set predicts the right output for new instances is called generalization.
  • Underfitting is when $H$ is less complex than the function.
  • Overfitting is when an overcomplex hypothesis learns not only the underlying function but also the noise in the data.
  • Triple trade-off is a trade-off between three factors in all learning algorithms:
    • The complexity of the hypothesis.
    • The amount of training data.
    • The generalization error on new examples.
  • Validation set and is used to test the generalization ability.
  • A test set, sometimes also called the publication set, contains examples not used in training or validation.

Dimensions of a Supervised Machine Learning Algorithm

  • Three decisions we must make during machine learning:
    • Model used in learning, $\hat{f}(x|θ)$.
    • Loss function, $L(·)$.
    • Optimization procedure to find $θ^*$ that minimizes the total error.


  • Active learning where the learning algorithm can generate instances itself and ask for them to be labeled.

Bayesian Decision Theory


  • In reality, we have $x$ = $f(z)$, where:
    • $x$ is the observable variables.
    • $z$ is the unobservable variables.
    • $f(·)$ is the deterministic function that defines the outcome from the unobservable pieces of knowledge.


  • The Bayes' classifier chooses the class with the highest posterior probability.

Losses and Risks

  • It may be the case that decisions are not equally good or costly.
  • Some wrong decisions, namely, misclassifications, may have very high cost.

Discriminant Functions

  • Discriminant functions divide the feature space into decision regions.
  • When $K$ = 2, the classification system is a dichotomizer and for $K$ ≥ 3, it is a polychotomizer.

Association Rules

  • An association rule is an implication of the form $X → Y$.
  • One example of association rules is in basket analysis.
  • Three measures in learning association rules:
    • Support: $P(X,Y)$
    • Confidence: $P(Y|X)$
    • Lift or interest: $P(Y|X)/P(Y)$

Parametric Methods


  • The model is defined up to a small number of parameters.
  • The estimated distribution is then used to make a decision.
  • The method used to estimate the parameters of a distribution is maximum likelihood estimation.

Maximum Likelihood Estimation

  • The likelihood of parameter $θ$ given sample $X$ is the product of the likelihoods of the individual points.
  • Maximum likelihood estimator: $\hat{θ}$ = $\text{argmax}_{θ}\ p(X|θ)$.

Bernoulli Density

  • The estimate for $p$ is the ratio of the number of occurrences of the event to the number of experiments.

Multinomial Density

  • The estimate for $p_i$ is the ratio of experiments with outcome of state $i$ to the total number of experiments.

Gaussian (Normal) Density

  • The estimate for $μ$ is sample mean $m$.
  • The estimate for $σ^2$ is sample variance $s^2$.

Evaluating an Estimator: Bias and Variance

  • Let $X$ be a sample from a population specified up to a parameter $θ$.
  • Let $\hat{θ}$ be an estimator of $θ$, which is learned from $X$.
  • The mean square error (MSE) of the estimator $\hat{θ}$ is defined as $r(\hat{θ},θ)$ = $E[(\hat{θ}-θ)^2]$
  • The bias of an estimator is given as $b_θ(\hat{θ})$ = $E[\hat{θ}]-θ$.
  • $\hat{θ}$ is an unbiased estimator of $θ$ if $b_θ(\hat{θ})$ = 0 for all $θ$ values.
  • In Gaussian density:
    • $s^2$ is a biased estimator of $σ^2$.
    • $(N/(N−1))s^2$ is an unbiased estimator.
    • $s^2$ is an asymptotically unbiased estimator whose bias goes to 0 as $N$ goes to infinity.
  • $r(\hat{θ},θ)$ = $E[(\hat{θ}-θ)^2]$ = $(E[\hat{θ}]-θ)^2 + E[(\hat{θ}-E[\hat{θ}])^2]$ = $b_θ(\hat{θ})^2 + \text{Var}(\hat{θ})$.
  • MSE = bias squared + variance.

The Bayes' Estimator

  • Prior information on the possible distribution of a parameter, $θ$.
  • Evaluating posterior density can involve intractable integrals.
  • When the full integration is not feasible, we reduce it to a single point.
  • Maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimator: $\hat{θ}$ = $\text{argmax}_{θ}\ p(θ|X)$.
  • If there is no prior knowledge of $θ$, the MAP estimate will be equivalent to the MLE.
  • Bayes' estimator: $\hat{θ}$ = $E[θ|X]$.
  • Both MAP and Bayes' estimators reduce the whole posterior density to a single point.
  • Monte Carlo approach generates samples from the posterior density.

Parametric Classification

  • The discriminant function: $f_i(x)$ = $p(x|C_i)P(C_i)$.
  • $P(C_i)$ and $p(x|C_i)$ are estimated from a sample.
  • Their estimates are plugged in to get the estimate for the discriminant function.
  • Decision: $\hat{y}$ = $C_i$ that maximizes $f_i(x)$.
  • Likelihood-based approach to classification:
    1. Estimate the densities separately.
    2. Calculate posterior densities using Bayes' rule.
    3. Get the discriminant.
  • Discriminant-based approach directly estimates the discriminants.


  • $y$ = $f(x) + ϵ$ where:
    • $f(x)$ is some unknown function whose estimator is $\hat{f}(x|θ)$.
    • $ϵ$ is zero mean Gaussian with constant variance $σ^2$.
  • $p(y|x) \sim N(\hat{f}(x|θ),σ^2)$.
  • Use maximum likelihood to learn the parameters $θ$.
  • Decision: $\hat{y}$ = $\hat{f}(x|\hat{θ})$.
  • Total sum-of-squares (TSS) = $\sum (y_i-\bar{y})^2$.
  • Residual sum-of-squares (RSS) = $\sum (y_i-\hat{y})^2$.
  • Explained sum-of-squares (ESS) = $\sum (\hat{y}-\bar{y})^2$.
  • TSS = RSS + ESS.
  • A measure to check the goodness of fit by regression is the coefficient of determination.
  • Coefficient of determination: $R^2$ = ESS/TSS = 1 - RSS/TSS.

Tuning Model Complexity: Bias/Variance Dilemma

  • MSE = bias squared + variance.
  • The bias/variance dilemma and is true for any machine learning system:
    • Underfitting: If there is bias, this indicates that the model class does not contain the solution.
    • Overfitting: If there is variance, the model class is too general and also learns the noise.
  • The optimal model is the one that has the best trade-off between the bias and the variance.

Model Selection Procedures

  • One approach to find the optimal complexity is cross-validation.
  • Another approach that is used frequently is regularization.
    • Regularization penalizes complex models with large variance.
    • Regularization can be seen as an optimism term estimating the discrepancy between training and test error.
  • Akaike's information criterion (AIC) and Bayesian information criterion (BIC):
    • Estimating the optimism.
    • Adding the optimism to the training error to estimate test error.
    • No need for validation.
  • Structural risk minimization (SRM) uses a set of models ordered in terms of their complexities.
  • Minimum description length (MDL) is based on an information theoretic measure.
  • Bayesian model selection is used when there is prior knowledge about the class of approximating functions.

Multivariate Methods

Multivariate Data

  • The sample may be viewed as a data matrix
  • Columns represent inputs, features, or attributes.
  • Rows represent observations, examples, or instances.
  • Typically these variables are correlated; otherwise; there is no need for a multivariate analysis.

Parameter Estimation

  • The maximum likelihood estimator for the mean $μ$ is the sample mean, $m$.
  • The estimator of $Σ$ is $S$, the sample covariance matrix.

Estimation of Missing Values

  • Imputation: fill in the missing entries by estimating them.

Multivariate Normal Distribution

  • Mahalanobis distance is given as $(x−μ)^⊤Σ^{−1}(x−μ)$.
  • $(x−μ)^⊤Σ^{−1}(x−μ)$ = $c^2$ is the multi-dimensional hyperellipsoid:
    • It is centered at $μ$.
    • Its shape and orientation are defined by $Σ$.

Multivariate Classification

  • The class-conditional densities, $p(x|C_i)$, are taken as normal density, $N(μ_i,Σ_i)$.
  • Reducing covariance matrix through simplifying assumptions:
    • Quadratic discriminant
    • Linear discriminant
      • The covariance matrix is shared by all classes.
    • Naive Bayes' classifier
      • The covariance matrix is shared by all classes.
      • All off-diagonals of the covariance matrix are 0.
    • Nearest mean classifier
      • The covariance matrix is shared by all classes.
      • All off-diagonals of the covariance matrix are 0.
      • All variances are equal.

Tuning Complexity

  • Regularized discriminant analysis (RDA): $S_i'$ = $ασ^2I + βS + (1-α-β)S_i$
    • When $α$ = $β$ = 0: quadratic discriminant.
    • When $α$ = 0 and $β$ = 1: linear discriminant.
    • When $α$ = 1 and $β$ = 0: nearest mean classifier.
    • In between these extremes, $α$ and $β$ are optimized by cross-validation.

Discrete Features

Multivariate Regression

  • In statistical literature, this is called multiple regression.
  • Statisticians use the term multivariate when there are multiple outputs.

Dimensionality Reduction


  • Two main methods for reducing dimensionality:
    • Feature selection: finding $k$ of the $d$ dimensions that give the most information.
    • Feature extraction: finding a new set of $k$ dimensions that are combinations of the original $d$ dimensions.
  • These methods may be supervised or unsupervised.

Subset Selection

  • Two approaches: forward selection and backward selection.
  • Checking the error should be done on a validation set.
  • The sequential selection algorithm is also known as wrapper approach.
  • The features we select at the end depend heavily on the classifier we use.
  • This process of testing features one by one may be costly.
  • Subset selection is supervised.

Principal Component Analysis

  • PCA is an unsupervised method.
  • The principal component is the eigenvector of $X^⊤X$, or the covariance matrix $Σ$.
  • Proportion of variance explained by the $k$ principal components is $\sum_{i=1}^k λ_i/\sum_{i=1}^d λ_i$.
  • Scree graph is the plot of variance explained as a function of the number of eigenvectors kept.
  • PCA explains variance and is sensitive to outliers.
  • PCA minimizes the reconstruction error.

Feature Embedding

  • The $N$-dimensional eigenvectors of $XX^⊤$ are the coordinates in the new space.
  • Feature embedding does not generate projection vectors but the coordinates directly.
  • Feature embedding places instances in a $k$-dimensional space such that pairwise similarities are preserved.

Factor Analysis

  • FA assumes that there is a set of unobservable, latent factors $z$.
  • FA partitions variables into groups that have high correlation among themselves.
  • Latent factors $z$ have the properties: $E[z_i]$ = 0, $\text{Var}(z_i)$ = 1, and $\text{Cov}(z_i,z_j)$ = 0.
  • $x_i-μ_i$ = $\sum_{j=1}^k v_{ij}z_j+ϵ_i$: Each input dimension is a weighted sum of the factors plus the residual term.
  • Residual terms $ϵ$ have the properties: $E[ϵ_i]$ = 0, $\text{Var}(ϵ_i)$ = $ψ_i$, and $\text{Cov}(ϵ_i,ϵ_j)$ = 0.
  • $Σ$ = $WW^⊤+Ψ$ where:
    • $Σ$ is the covariance matrix of $X$
    • $W$ is the factor loadings, the $d × k$ matrix of weights that transform latent factors to input dimension.
    • $Ψ$ is a diagonal matrix with $ψ_i$ on the diagonals.
  • Probabilistic PCA is when all $ψ_i$ are equal, namely, $Ψ$ = $ψI$.
  • Conventional PCA is when $Ψ$ = 0.
  • For dimensionality reduction, FA offers no advantage over PCA.

Singular Value Decomposition and Matrix Factorization

  • Singular value decomposition $X$ = $UΛV^⊤$ where:
    • $U$ contains the eigenvectors of $XX^⊤$.
    • $V$ contains the eigenvectors of $X^⊤X$.
    • $Λ$ contains the $k$ = $\text{min}(N,d)$ singular values on its diagonal.
  • Matrix factorization decomposes a large matrix into a product of (generally) two matrices.

Multidimensional Scaling

  • MDS places points in a low dimensional space such that the distance between them is as close as possible to the original space.
  • Sammon mapping: a nonlinear mapping from the original space to a low dimensional space.
  • Sammon stress: the normalized error in mapping.
  • MDS does not learn a general mapping function.

Linear discriminant analysis

  • LDA is a supervised method for dimensionality reduction for classification problems.
  • LDA finds the projection such that examples from different classes are as well separated as possible.

Canonical Correlation Analysis

  • CCA reduces the dimensionality of two sets of variables to a joint space.
  • CCA maximizes the correlation between two sets of variables after projection.
  • For CCA to make sense, the two sets of variables need to be dependent.
  • It is possible to generalize CCA for more than two sets of variables.


  • Geodesic distance is the distance along the manifold.
  • Isometric feature mapping estimates the geodesic distance and applies MDS, using it for dimensionality reduction.
  • As with MDS, Isomap uses feature embedding and does not learn a general mapping function.

Locally Linear Embedding

  • LLE recovers global nonlinear structure from locally linear fits.
  • Each local patch of the manifold is approximated linearly.
  • Given enough data, each point can be written as a linear, weighted sum of its neighbors.
  • The reconstruction weights reflect the intrinsic geometric properties of the data.
  • As with Isomap, LLE solution is the set of new coordinates.
  • In both Isomap and LLE, there is local information that is propagated over neighbors to get a global solution.

Laplacian Eigenmaps

  • Similar to Isomap and LLE, Laplacian eigenmaps care for similarities only locally.
  • The Laplacian eigenmap is also a feature embedding method.

t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding

  • In stochastic neighbor embedding (SNE), the neighborhood structure is represented by probabilities calculated from distances.
  • t-stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE), which is the improved version of SNE.
  • This optimization problem is not convex; there is no single best solution.
  • Gradient descent is used to obtain local optimum.


  • There is a trade-off between feature extraction and decision making.
  • There exist algorithms that do some feature selection internally, though in a limited way.



  • Semiparametric density estimation still assumes a parametric model for each group in the sample.
  • Clustering is also used for preprocessing.

Mixture Densities

  • The mixture density is written as $p(x)$ = $\sum_{i=1}^k p(x|G_i)P(G_i)$ where:
    • $G_i$ are the mixture components or group or clusters.
    • $p(x|G_i)$ are the component densities.
    • $P(G_i)$ are the mixture proportions.
  • Parametric classification is a bona fide mixture model where groups $G_i$ correspond to classes $C_i$.

k-Means Clustering

  • k-mean finds codebook vectors that minimize the total reconstruction error.
  • The reference vector is set to the mean of all the instances that it represents.
  • There are also algorithms for adding new centers incrementally or deleting empty ones.
  • Leader cluster algorithm:
    • An instance that is far away from existing centers causes the creation of a new center.
    • A center that covers a large number of instances can be split into two.

Expectation-Maximization Algorithm

  • EM looks for the component density parameters that maximize the likelihood of the sample.
  • EM has no analytical solution and needs to resort to iterative optimization.
  • The EM algorithm works as follows:
    • E-step: estimate these labels given our current knowledge of components.
    • M-step: update component knowledge given the labels estimated in the E-step.
  • EM is initialized by k-means.
  • k-means clustering is a special case of EM applied to Gaussian mixtures where:
    • Inputs have equal and shared variances.
    • All components have equal priors.
    • Labels are hardened.

Mixtures of Latent Variable Models

  • Full covariance matrices used with Gaussian mixtures are subject to overfitting.
  • The alternative is dimensionality reduction in the clusters.

Supervised Learning after Clustering

  • A large amount of unlabeled data is used for learning the cluster parameters.
  • Then, smaller labeled data is used to learn the second stage of classification or regression.

Spectral Clustering

  • Clustering can be applied in reduced dimensionality.
  • Laplacian eigenmaps place the data instances in such a way that given pairwise similarities are preserved.

Hierarchical Clustering

  • It is one of the methods for clustering that use only similarities of instances.
  • A similarity, or equivalently a distance, measure is defined between instances.
  • Two approaches to hierarchical clustering: agglomerative clustering and divisive clustering.
  • At each iteration of an agglomerative algorithm, the two closest groups are merged.
  • The distance between two groups is defined as:
    • Single-link: the smallest distance between all possible pairs of elements of the two groups.
    • Complete-link: the largest distance between all possible pairs.
    • Other possibilities: average-link and centroid-link.
  • A hierarchical structure is usually represented as a dendrogram.

Choosing the Number of Clusters

  • $k$ is the hyperparameter in clustering.
  • $k$ can be predefined by applications
  • Plotting the data in lower dimensions helps determine $k$.
  • Validation of the groups can be done manually by checking whether clusters are meaningful.
  • The reconstruction error or log-likelihood is plotted as a function of $k$.
  • The "elbow" is chosen as a heuristic.

Nonparametric Methods


  • In parametric methods, a model is valid over the whole input space.
  • In nonparametric estimation, it is assumed that similar inputs have similar outputs.
  • The algorithm is composed of:
    • Finding similar past instances from the training set using a suitable distance measure.
    • Interpolating from them to find the right output.
  • Nonparametric methods are also called instance-based or memory-based learning algorithms.
  • Its complexity depends on the size of the training set.

Nonparametric Density Estimation

  • $x$ is drawn independently from some unknown probability density $p(·)$.
  • $\hat{p}(·)$ is the estimator of $p(·)$.

Histogram Estimator

  • The input space is divided into equal-sized intervals named bins.
  • The histogram estimate is given as $\hat{p}(·)$ = #{ $x_i$ in the same bin as $x$ } / $Nh$.
  • In constructing the histogram, both an origin and a bin width have to be determined.
  • The naive estimator is the histogram estimate where $x$ is always at the center of a bin of size $h$.

Kernel Estimator

  • A kernel function is used to get a smooth estimate.
  • The kernel estimator, also called Parzen windows, is defined as $\hat{p}(x)$ = $\sum_i K(\frac{x-x_i}{h})/Nh$ where:
    • The kernel function $K(·)$ determines the shape of the influences.
    • The window width $h$ determines the width.
  • Various adaptive methods have been proposed to tailor $h$ as a function of the density around $x$.

k-Nearest Neighbor Estimator

  • The amount of smoothing is adapted to the local density of data.
  • The degree of smoothing is controlled by $k$, the number of neighbors taken into account.
  • The k-nearest neighbor (k-nn) density estimate is given as $\hat{p}(x)$ = $k/(2Nd_k(x))$.
  • This is like a naive estimator with $h$ = $2d_k(x)$.
  • The k-nn estimator is not continuous and is not a probability density function.
  • To get a smoother estimate, a kernel function can be incorporated.

Generalization to Multivariate Data

  • In high-dimensional spaces, nonparametric estimates are subject to the curse of dimensionality.
  • In high dimensions, the concept of "close" also becomes blurry.

Nonparametric Classification

  • The class-conditional densities, $p(x|C_i)$, is estimated using the nonparametric approach.
  • For the special case of k-nn estimator, $\hat{p}(x|C_i)$ = $k_i/N_iV^k(x)$ where:
    • $k_i$ is the number of neighbors out of the $k$ nearest that belong to $C_i$.
    • $V^k(x)$ is the volume of the $d$-dimensional hypersphere centered at $x$.
  • The k-nn classifier has a posterior density $\hat{p}(C_i|x)$ = $k_i/k$.
  • A special case of k-nn is the nearest neighbor classifier where $k$ = 1.

Condensed Nearest Neighbor

  • Time and space complexity of nonparametric methods are proportional to the size of the training set.
  • Condensing methods have been proposed to decrease the number of stored instances without degrading performance.
  • Only the instances that define the discriminant need to be kept.

Distance-Based Classification

  • Most classification algorithms can be recast as a distance-based classifier.
  • Locally adaptive distance functions can be defined and used.
  • The idea of distance learning is to parameterize $D(x,x_i|θ)$.
  • $θ$ is learnt from a labeled sample in a supervised manner.

Outlier Detection

  • An outlier, novelty, or anomaly is an instance that is very much different from other instances in the sample.
  • Outlier detection is not generally cast as a supervised, two-class classification problem.
  • It is sometimes called one-class classification.

Nonparametric Regression: Smoothing Models

  • The only assumption is that close $x$ have close $\hat{f}(x)$ values.
  • The nonparametric regression estimator is also called a smoother and the estimate is called a smooth.

Running Mean Smoother

  • Regressogram is the average the $y$ values in the bin.
  • As in the naive estimator, in the running mean smoother, a bin can be symmetric around $x$.

Kernel Smoother

  • As in the kernel estimator, kernel smoother gives less weight to further points.
  • k-nn smoother fixes $k$ and adapts the estimate to the density around $x$.

Running Line Smoother

  • Running line smoother:
    • Uses the data points in the neighborhood, as defined by $h$ or $k$.
    • Fits a local regression line.
  • Locally weighted running line smoother, known as loess, uses kernel weighting.

How to Choose the Smoothing Parameter

  • The critical parameter is the smoothing parameter as used in:
    • Bin width or kernel spread $h$.
    • The number of neighbors $k$.
  • A regularized cost function is used in smoothing splines.
  • Cross-validation is used to tune $h$, $k$, or $λ$.

Decision Trees


  • A decision tree is a hierarchical model for supervised learning.
  • The local region is identified in a sequence of recursive splits in a smaller number of steps.
  • A decision tree is composed of internal decision nodes and terminal leaves.
  • Each decision node $m$ implements a test function $f_m(x)$.
  • This process starts at the root and is repeated recursively until a leaf node is hit.
  • The value written in the leaf constitutes the output.
  • A decision tree is also a nonparametric model.
  • Each $f_m(x)$ defines a discriminant in the $d$-dimensional input space.
  • The hierarchical placement of decisions allows a fast localization of the region covering an input.

Univariate Trees

  • In a univariate tree, in each internal node, the test uses only one of the input dimensions.
  • Successive decision nodes generate splits orthogonal to each other.
  • Tree induction is the construction of the tree given a training sample.
  • Tree learning algorithms are greedy.

Classification Trees

  • The goodness of a split is quantified by an impurity measure.
  • For a two-class problem, $ϕ(p,1-p)$ is a nonnegative function measuring the impurity of a split.
  • Examples of impurity measure: entropy, Gini index, and misclassification error.
  • The algorithm looks for the split that minimizes impurity after the split.
  • It is locally optimal, and the smallest decision tree is not guaranteed.
  • This is the basis of the classification and regression tree (CART) algorithm.
  • One problem is that such splitting favors attributes with many values.
  • Growing the tree until it is purest may result in a very large tree and overfitting.
  • The posterior probabilities of classes should be stored in a leaf.

Regression Trees

  • In regression, the goodness of a split is measured by the mean square error from the estimated value.
  • This creates a piecewise constant approximation with discontinuities at leaf boundaries.
  • The acceptable error threshold is the complexity parameter.


  • Any decision based on too few instances causes variance and thus generalization error.
  • Stopping tree construction early on before it is full is called prepruning the tree.
  • In postpruning, subtrees that cause overfitting are pruned after full tree construction.
  • A pruning set, unused during training, is used for pruning.
  • If the leaf node does not perform worse than the subtree on the pruning set, the subtree is pruned.

Rule Extraction from Trees

  • Features closer to the root are more important globally.
  • Another main advantage of decision trees is interpretability.
  • Such a rule base allows knowledge extraction.
  • Pruning a subtree corresponds to pruning terms from a number of rules.

Learning Rules from Data

  • Tree induction goes breadth-first and generates all paths simultaneously.
  • Rule induction does a depth-first search and generates one path (rule) at a time.
  • A rule is said to cover an example if the example satisfies all the conditions of the rule.
  • Sequential covering:
    • Once a rule is grown and pruned, it is added to the rule base.
    • All the training examples covered by the rule are removed from the training set.
    • The process continues until enough rules are added.
  • A rule is pruned back by deleting conditions in reverse order to find the rule that maximizes the rule value metric.

Multivariate Trees

  • In a multivariate tree, at a decision node, all input dimensions can be used.
  • The node becomes more flexible by using a nonlinear multivariate node.


  • The omnivariate decision tree is a hybrid tree architecture.
  • Decision trees are used more frequently for classification than for regression.
  • The decision tree is a nonparametric method.
  • An ensemble of decision trees is called a decision forest.
  • Each decision tree is trained on a random subset of the training set or the input features.
  • The decision tree is discriminant-based whereas the statistical methods are likelihood-based.

Linear Discrimination


  • Discriminant-based classification assume a model directly for the discriminant.
  • Learning is the optimization of the model parameters to maximize the quality of the separation.
  • The linear discriminant is used frequently mainly due to its simplicity.

Generalizing the Linear Model

  • Adding higher-order terms, also called product terms, provides more flexibility.
  • Basis functions are nonlinear transformation to a new space where the function can be written in a linear form.
  • The discriminant is given as $f(x)$ = $w^⊤Φ(x)$ where $Φ(x)$ are basis functions.

Geometry of the Linear Discriminant

Two Classes

  • This defines a hyperplane where $w$ is the weight vector and $w_0$ is the threshold.

Multiple Classes

  • Each hyperplane separates the examples of $C_i$ from the examples of all other classes.

Pairwise Separation

  • In pairwise linear separation, there is a separate hyperplane for each pair of classes.

Parametric Discrimination Revisited

  • $\log(y/(1−y))$ is known as the logit transformation or log odds of $y$.
  • In case of two classes, $\text{logit}(P(C_1|x))$ = $w^⊤x+w_0$ where:
    • $w$ = $Σ^{-1}(μ_1-μ_2)$.
    • $w_0$ = $-\frac{1}{2}(μ_1+μ_2)^⊤Σ^{-1}(μ_1-μ_2)+\log\frac{P(C_1)}{P(C_2)}$.
  • The inverse of logit is the logistic function, also called the sigmoid function.
  • $P(C_i|x)$ = $\text{sigmoid}(w^⊤x+w_0)$.
  • Sigmoid transforms the discriminant value to a posterior probability.

Gradient Descent

  • Some estimation algorithms have no analytical solution and need to resort to iterative optimization methods.
  • Gradient descent starts from a random $w$, and, at each step, updates $w$ in the opposite direction of the gradient vector.
  • $η$ is called the stepsize, or learning factor, which determines how much to move in that direction.
  • An online update of $w$ using gradient descent.

Logistic Discrimination

Two Classes

  • Logistic discrimination model the ratio of class-conditional densities.
  • The error function to be minimized is cross-entropy.
  • Because of the nonlinearity of the sigmoid function, gradient descent is used to minimize cross-entropy.
  • Training is continued until the number of misclassifications does not decrease.
  • Actually stopping early before we have 0 training error is a form of regularization.
  • Stopping early corresponds to a model with more weights close to 0 and effectively fewer parameters.

Multiple Classes

  • Softmax function transforms the discriminant value to a posterior probability.
  • The error function is again cross-entropy.
  • Training can be stopped earlier by checking the number of misclassifications.
  • The ratio of class-conditional densities can also be a quadratic discriminant.
  • In neural network terminology, this is called a multilayer perceptron.

Multiple Labels

  • Each label can be treated as a separate two-class problem.

Learning to Rank

  • Ranking is sort of between classification and regression.
  • Ranking has applications in search engines, information retrieval, and natural language processing.


  • Logit is the canonical link in case of Bernoulli samples.
  • Softmax is its generalization to multinomial samples.